School youth work

After-hours activities at schools

School youth work at Ylivieska’s schools

From the spring of 2022, two school youth workers have disembarked at Ylivieska’s schools and are regularly available to meet at all schools.

A school youth worker is available at Kaisaniemi lower secondary school and Taanila comprehensive school every week on regular days.

The school youth worker’s duties at the school include, for example, encountering youth in recess situations, holding grouping lessons and various themed lessons in classrooms and maintaining other topical subjects in the school’s everyday life. The school youth worker works in close cooperation with the teachers so that it is easier to prepare for different classroom situations. In addition, there are recess events during the year, which are related to different calendar events, such as Christmas, Easter, May Day and Halloween, and activity days are organised in collaboration with other youth workers in the city.

In addition to the school youth worker, the city’s other youth workers regularly visit Kaisaniemi and Taanila schools to encounter youth, and tell about upcoming events and activities at the youth centre.

The primary schools’ school youth worker regularly visits all of Ylivieska’s primary schools and mainly encounters children during the schools’ recesses. In addition, the youth worker also implements various themed lessons according to wishes in the primary school classes.

Hannele Aho, Kaisaniemi School and Taanila Comprehensive School

Seuraa Instagramissa: @ylivieskakoulunuorisotyo_hansu

Tiina Hietamäki, Alakoulut

Seuraa Instagramissa: @ylivieskakoulunuorisotyo_tiina

Preventive substance abuse work in schools

The youth counselor holds substance abuse education classes for 5th-6th graders for a total of 4 hours during the school year, and 2 hours for middle schools during the school year.

Substance abuse education is implemented by utilizing the operating model of preventive substance abuse work in cooperation with Ylivieska primary schools. Its goal is to prevent the initiation and experimentation of intoxicants, and for those who have already tried intoxicants, to support cessation. Guidance on good life management skills and healthy lifestyles are an important part of the operating model.

Severi Jalonen, Nuorisotalo Holvi ja päihdekasvatus

Seuraa Instagrammissa @ylivieskannuorisopalvelut

Nuorisonohjaajat osallistuvat koulun arkeen

Kaisaniemen koululla ja Taanilan yhtenäiskoulussa Holvin nuorisonohjaajat tavattavissa viikoittain.

Nuorisonohjaajat edistävät koululla osallisuutta sekä kouluviihtyvyyttä. He kohtaavat ja kuuntelevat nuoria, sekä edistävät oppilasryhmien ryhmäytymistä.

Piritta Majava-Niemi, Nuorisotalo Holvi

Severi Jalonen, Nuorisotalo Holvi ja päihdekasvatus

Seuraa Instagrammissa @ylivieskannuorisopalvelut

Contact us!

Aho Hannele
040 1417 593

Hietamäki Tiina
044 4294 532


If your class needs a group lesson or a themed lesson on a specific topic, feel free to contact us!

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