School transportation is based on the Basic Education Act

Organising transport
In Ylivieska, school transport is organised in accordance with the Basic Education Act (21/8/1998/628) and the City of Ylivieska’s school transport guidelines.
School transport is available to children whose school trip is longer than five kilometres. In addition, the City of Ylivieska organises school transport for preschool to 3rd grade pupils during the winter, from the beginning of November to the end of February, if the school trip is more than 3.5 km. If the school trip exceeds the kilometre threshold, transport is organised without the need for a separate application.
Free transport can also be organised when the school trip is assessed to be too strenuous or dangerous for the pupil, e.g. for health reasons. Discretionary school transport must be applied for separately. Submit the application as soon as possible, with any necessary attachments, to the school office (Kyöstintie 4, 84100 Ylivieska). Discretionary school transport applications concerning the entire academic year must be submitted by May 10. The application period for so-called winter transport ends on September 15.
Children also have the right to a walk. School-aged children and adolescents should exercise a couple of hours each day, and travelling to school by foot or bicycle promotes good fitness and health!
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Frequently asked questions about school transport
Question 1: My child’s school trip is more than five kilometres, so my child is entitled to free school transport. How do we register for transportation?
Answer: If the child is entitled to school transport in accordance with the Basic Education Act, there is no need to separately apply or register for transport. The school will add the child the transport list on the basis of the child’s address details. Winter transport is also automatically organised for 1st-3rd grade pupils who have a school trip of more than 3.5 km. Transport is mainly organised by bus or taxi. Please ask for more information about transport at the child’s school.
Question 2: What is a smart card?
Answer: When travelling to school by bus, the trip is paid with a smart card. The cards are distributed at the beginning of the school year. If a card is damaged or lost, the pupil must inform the school. The first card is free but if the card is lost, a new one costs 20€. If you do not have the card with you, the school trip is paid personally. Pupils travelling by taxi do not need a smart card.
Question 3: How and when do I apply for discretionary school transport?
Answer: If you apply for school transport, for example, on the basis of the danger or strenuousity of the school trip, please fill in the school transport application form. The forms concerning the autumn are submitted in the spring (by May 10) and for winter transport, in the autumn (by September 15). The application shall be processed by an office holder or the local education and culture committee. School transport can also be applied for at other times on the basis of an expert statement. In this case, please submit the said statement and the school transport application to the school office.
Question 4: I forgot to submit the school transport application by the due date. What do I do?
Answer: Submit the application as soon as possible to the school office, Kyöstintie 4, 84100 Ylivieska.
When you return your application on time, you ensure that there has been time for your application to be processed before the need for transport begins. Any late applications may not be processed in time and transport shall not be arranged until the application has been processed.
Question 5: Our child was granted discretionary school transport. Where will the taxi collect from?
Answer: In principle, taxis collect pupils from alongside main roads, for example, from bus stops. School trips, which have been granted transport on the basis of an example, may also include parts that must be travelled by foot or bicycle (for example, from home to a bus stop)
Question 6: Our child fell ill and we do not need taxi transport. Who do I notify?
Answer: If possible, please notify any changes the previous day by 5 pm:
- Ylivieska taxi by email koulukyyti[at] or by sending an SMS to the school transport phone number 0440 883 388
- Details concerning Raudaskoski school and Unto Huhtakangas Oy’s transport pupils: unto.huhtakangas[at], phone: 0400 – 363 373
- Alavieska direction’s taxi: Ari Lehtelä, tel. 0400 767 099, email neste.ylivieska[at]
If the change is sudden and you are unable to notify about the change until after 5 pm or during the same day: inform the order conveying service tel. 0600 300 50 (1.25€/call + 1.00€/min + connection fee). If a guardian does not inform a change concerning a pupil’s transportation, this will incur an additional cost to the city because transport that is not cancelled will lead to an invoice being submitted to the educational services.
Question 7: Are the school transport routes visible on the city’s website?
Answer: No, they are not. The need for transport in terms of taxi transport varies, so the routes have slight changes throughout the school year.
Question 8: Is school transport organised if the child stays at school for afternoon activities?
Answer: School transport is not organised from afternoon activities to the child’s home.