Early childhood education places

In the City of Ylivieska, you can apply for municipal or private early childhood education places.

In cooperation with the guardians, early childhood education supports the child’s growth, learning and well-being in a systematic and goal-oriented manner with an emphasis on pedagogics.

A personal early childhood education plan is prepared for all children in daycare centres and family-care centres, and it is regularly specified according to the child’s needs. It is prepared together with the guardians and the child. 

In municipal daycare centres and group family day care, the early childhood education plan is prepared electronically in the Muksunet service. In family day care, the early childhood education plan is prepared on a paper form with the care provider. The early childhood education plan is also prepared in accordance with the Early Childhood Education Act in private early childhood education institutions.


Saarela Heli
päiväkodin johtaja
040 6429 869
Simonpuiston päiväkoti

Syrjämäki Kristiina
päiväkodin johtaja
040 6429 882
Hakalahden päiväkoti

Myllymäki Marja-Leena
päiväkodin johtaja
040 6429 867
Joukahaisen päiväkoti

Kokkonen Jaana
vs. palvelupäällikkö
040 6429 873

Keskitalo Mari
040 6429 877


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