Early childhood education is part of the Finnish education system and it is an important stage of a child’s path of development and learning.

Early childhood education supports and supplements the duty of education carried out at home and takes its share of responsibility for the children’s welfare. The purpose of early childhood education is to promote children’s overall growth, development and learning in cooperation with their guardians. Early childhood education is a service, which promotes children’s equality and prevents isolation. The knowledge and skills learned in early childhood education strengthen children’s participation and active agency in society. In addition early childhood education supports guardians in the upbringing of children and allows them to participate in working life or studies.
Ylivieskan varhaiskasvatus
An introductory video about Ylivieska’s early childhood education can be found here.
he city of Ylivieska is growing, developing, lively and forward-looking. Ylivieska has good services – as well as nature – and exercise opportunities. Ylivieska is a city for children!
Early childhood education in Ylivieska is part of the whole of cultural services. Get to know the cultural services in this video. Early childhood education in Ylivieska is child-oriented, high-quality and versatile. It is implemented both as a municipal and private activity in kindergartens, group family day care, family day care and in club form. In recent years, Ylivieska has invested in early childhood education facilities by building brand new daycare centers. You can familiarize yourself with the early childhood education units this link.
Purposes of early childhood education:
- To promote every child’s overall growth, health and well-being in accordance with their age and development
- To support the child’s learning prerequisites and promote life-long learning and the implementation of educational equality
- To implement versatile pedagogical activities for children which are based on playing, exercise, arts and cultural heritage, and enable positive learning experiences
- To ensure a healthy and safe early childhood education environment, which ensures development and promotes learning
- To safeguard an operating method that respects the child and interactive relations between the children and early childhood education personnel that are as permanent as possible
- To provide all children equal opportunities for early childhood education, promote gender equality and provide the readiness to understand and respect general cultural traditions as well as each individual’s linguistic, cultural, religious and world view background
- To identify a child’s individual need for support and organise appropriate support in early childhood education when a need arises and, if necessary, in multidisciplinary cooperation
- To develop the child’s cooperation and interaction skills, promote the child’s activity in peer groups as well as guide towards responsible and sustainable operations, respect towards other people and social membership
- To ensure the child’s opportunity to participate and influence matters that concern them
- To operate with the child and the child’s parent or other guardian in interest of the child’s balanced development and overall well-being as well as support the child’s parent or other guardian in the upbringing of the child
Early childhood education office
Kyöstintie 4, 84100 Ylivieska
Service guidance
puh. 040 642 9884
klo 9-11
Book an appointment by phone or by email with the following people:
Email forename.surname@ylivieska.fi
040 6429 873
040 6429 877
toimistosihteeri maksujen määritys
040 6429 870
Matters related to the change of the operational control system:
Elisa Tikkanen 0401216786
Valtakunnallinen varhaiskasvatussuunnitelma
Forms, Tips, Flyers
Varhaiskasvatus ja sosiaaliasiamiehen palvelut
The Yhdessä selviydytään website is free and open to parents of children of all ages. The website has been implemented at the University of Turku. It involves a scientific study that investigates the effect of the methods offered on the site on the well-being of the parent and the child.