To applicants
Why attend our school? At least 11 good reasons.

Welcome to Ylivieska Upper Secondary School!
We are a public upper secondary school consisting of approximately 300 students, and there are a total of approximately 30 teachers and other members of staff.
Watch the upper secondary school’s streamed information evening for guardians for the guardians of students starting their studies in the autumn of 2021.
Our upper secondary school has a wide range of courses in music, arts and physical activity. You can use the presentations below to find out more about the range. An upper secondary school academy also operates in our upper secondary school, offering up to 12 different academies in the autumn of 2018.
- Liikunnan kurssit (pdf, avautuu uuteen ikkunaan)
- Lukioakatemia 2019-2020 (pdf, avautuu uuteen ikkunaan)
- Kuvataide (pdf, avautuu uuteen ikkunaan)
- Musiikin kurssit (pdf, avautuu uuteen ikkunaan)
You can apply for upper secondary education in the joint application system for vocational education and upper secondary education via Opintopolku (online application). If you are interested in starting your studies at our school, feel free to contact us.
More information: Principal Kalle Luhtasela (044 4294 548) and Guidance Counsellor: Matti Strömmer (044 4294 367)
You can find the Applicant’s guide and selection card in the Guides section of the website. These allow you to obtain general information about Ylivieska Upper Secondary School and instructions on filling in the selection card. If you are applying to our school, please complete the application through Opintopolku, and then fill in and return the selection card to the upper secondary school. The course selection for the following year is prepared on the basis of courses selected in the spring of 2018.
Ylivieskan Vuokra-asunnot Oy assists in finding an apartment
Full-time upper secondary students can find further information about applying for school transport subsidy and student aid at KELA’s offices and the upper secondary school’s office ( 044 4294 366). Find out more about Kela’s student aid here.

What kind of an upper secondary school are we?
Ylivieska Upper Secondary School aims to be a good school. It aims to offer diverse opportunities for good common knowledge. The objective is to create a safe working environment where everyone has the opportunity to do their best while being accepted and encouraged. The teachers aim to support the students in achieving goals. The joy of care and work prevails at the school.
The renovation work of the upper secondary school was completed in the spring of 2015, and in the autumn of 2015, the renovated facilities were introduced. Comprehensive sealing repair work has been carried out in these premises. In addition to the repair work, the premises have also been reformed. The upper secondary school has a modern language studio and a laboratory. The library and the students’ lounging areas have also undergone changes during the renovation. Opportunities for computer-based teaching have improved at our upper secondary school.
What is it like to study at Ylivieska Upper Secondary School? Watch the students’ presentation video below!
Diversely online at eLukio
Ylivieska Upper Secondary School is part of eLukio, where students can complete their upper secondary education studies online. Moodle operates as eLukio’s “school” and learning environment and the Adobe Connect online conference system is used in classroom teaching. The teachers are experienced upper secondary teachers from different upper secondary schools in the network.
At eLukio, you can complete the general upper secondary school syllabus and matriculation examination, or you can study individual upper secondary education courses, such as languages, as a subject student. Our language selection includes English, Swedish, German, French, Russian, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, Japanese and Northern Sami language. Previous studies are transferred as credits. Studies are mainly completed as remote studies over the internet. Registering for upper secondary education in accordance with an adult high school’s distribution of lesson hours ends in mid-August.
Ylivieska Upper Secondary School’s students may select courses at eLukio if they are not taught at their own upper secondary school or in other similar special circumstances. Please remember that unnecessary registrations for courses are not allowed.
Familiarise yourself in the diverse course selection on eLukio’s website.
Please feel free to contact our eLukio guidance counsellor about any study-related questions (044 4294 437).
12 syytä valita Ylivieskan lukio
- New students have an easier first period, i.e. the period only has 4 theoretical subjects.
- Wide selection of optional languages: French, German (B2 and B3), Russian. Spanish, Italian, Sami and Japanese are also available through the remote upper secondary school.
- A new renovated building with a new language studio and laboratory.
- Lots of optional courses in practical and arts subjects, which are implemented annually.
- Laptop computers are acquired for starting age groups to support e-teaching, paid in half with guardians.
- Upper secondary school academy
- All advanced courses in all subjects are offered every year and there are lots of applied courses. An established operating method for dyslexia, including tests and ‘lue’ courses.
- Course selection according to the student’s choices (all selections and subject combinations are possible).
- Age groups that have completed their studies with us have been very successful in being accepted to universities for further studies.
- Good atmosphere and spirit of caring which is apparent in feedback surveys.
- Team work creates a unique sense of encouragement and team spirit to the upper secondary school activities.
We do not nitpick unnecessarily, but instead we operate in a rational way according to the situation. This makes the school a nice place to work and study.
Quide to applicants
Takkulantie 3, 84100 Ylivieskaopinto-ohjaaja
044 4294 367
044 4294 398
JokiElukion koordinaattori
044 4294 437
vs. rehtori
044 4294 206
044 4294 366
044 4294 382