Information for students
Important information for the journey to obtaining a matriculation cap

Important information
On these pages, you will find important information concerning your everyday studies, including about books, matriculation examinations or even your well-being.
Ylivieska Upper Secondary School is not just a school. We are a community that aims to look after each other. This caring and looking after is implemented alongside everyday school work. Our school has a special teacher and offers student welfare services: student healthcare, curator and psychologist services and, if necessary, a multidisciplinary expert group.
The student union also provides support in operations. The students operate in groups, which each have their own group instructor and their own tutors (older students).

Guide for applicant
Takkulantie 3, 84100 Ylivieskaopinto-ohjaaja
044 4294 367
044 4294 398
JokiElukion koordinaattori
044 4294 437
vs. rehtori
044 4294 206
044 4294 366
044 4294 382