Learn and practice
The academy combines hobbies and studies

Diverse upper secondary school academy
”Learn as a student. Develop as an athlete. Grow as an individual.”
The upper secondary school academy combines an upper secondary student’s hobby and general upper secondary education. The intention is relieve the work load. By organising, a young person can be provided the opportunity to continue studying and practising from home. Unlike in special upper secondary schools, there is no need to make compromises to upper secondary studies at Ylivieska upper secondary academy.
Morning training / teaching is organised on Tuesday and Thursday mornings when upper secondary students have the opportunity to participate in training without it impacting their selections. Individual sports training can be freely placed in the student’s schedule. The upper secondary school also organises premises for training. Other academies are adapted to the timetable and suitable times.
The academy studies are credited to the upper secondary school’s other achievements. In total, a three-year student can obtain six courses (2+2+2=6) for participating in an agreement-based group and one extra course in the fourth year. At most, 10 courses can be credited from the upper secondary school academy. Usually, the amount is 5 courses.
The upper secondary school academy provides excellent readiness to complete a general upper secondary education diploma, which provides extra points and general recognition when applying to certain further studies. Diplomas have been completed at our upper secondary school in arts, physical education and music. The upper secondary school academy also provides the opportunity to complete the diploma in handicrafts, media, dance and theatre. The completion of the diploma is an independent course in which the completion of the diploma is guided. The requirements of the diploma are set out by the National Board of Education. Usually, the diploma requires special skills demonstrations, the completion of a dissertation or performance or artwork as well as a portfolio.
Other competitive sports coaching, i.e. the upper secondary school academy passport allows other sports to be utilised in the upper secondary school academy. You can agree with a teacher on the suitability of a sport and coaching for the academy and collect entries in the academy passport for planned training sessions
Guide to applicant
Takkulantie 3, 84100 Ylivieskaopinto-ohjaaja
044 4294 367
044 4294 398
JokiElukion koordinaattori
044 4294 437
vs. rehtori
044 4294 206
044 4294 366
044 4294 382