Environmental projects are an important part of water conservation

Ongoing projects
The Mutkia Matkaan! project is a water protection project that aims to improve the management of the waters of Salmelanoja by delaying the water and storing it in an organic way. Implementation period: 2022-2023.
Kalajokivarren pengerryspumppaamoiden sovellettavuus vesiensuojeluun – project tests various measures for the treatment of agricultural drainage water and, with this, looks for usable techniques to reduce the nutrient load of drainage water and the possible acidity problem. Implementation period: 2021-2024.
Past projects
The Virta tuo, virta vie the project is a water management project in the Pylväsoja catchment areas. Its purpose is to create an organic basic drainage plan for the Pylväsoja catchment area, as well as a catchment area plan for forestry areas, and to inventory the natural values of the area.
Pylväsojan alaosan monimuotoisuutta edistävä kunnostus the project has diversified the stream flow and created different habitats for fish and other organisms. Spawning gravels for fish have been constructed downstream. Implementation period: 2020-2022
The Hulevedet hallintaan kolmistaan project is a water conservation project which aims to plan and implement stormwater wetlands in the area of the City of Ylivieska, the City of Raahe and the Municipality of Kempele. Implementation period:
The Yhteisessä veneessä project continues the water management work carried out in past years. Implementation period: