Addresses are an important part of places’ accessibility.

General information about address locations
Address locations are mainly properties and buildings used as building sites as well as public meeting locations and parks. These locations are given identifying address details so that the location can be located in a generally understandable manner and if necessary, it can be found quickly. An address consists of a street or road name and address number. The nomenclature is based on the background of the area’s old names on the basis of old maps and property divisions. The management of addresses is usually considered to be the duty of local authorities although the matter has not been comprehensively regulated in legislation.
Local plan area
In the local plan area, the street nomenclature is formed in connection with the planning of the area. The address number is determined according to the plot division in such a way that the plot-specific odd numbers are used on the right side of the street and the even numbers on the left side of the street. (The Association of Finnish Municipalities 2006 – Municipal address system)
Sparsely populated area
In sparsely populated areas, the road names are formed with office holder decisions. When forming a new road name, the residents of the area are also heard as they may have information about the road network’s unofficial slang names. A new road name is determined if the road leads to at least three residential properties. In sparsely populated areas, the address number is determined according to the distance measured from the start of the road in such a way that the odd numbers are formed on the right side of the road and the even numbers on the left side of the road. (The Association of Finnish Municipalities 2006 – Municipal address system)
Sign and number
When introducing a new street or road name, a sign is installed in the terrain, indicating the name. The acquisition of the sign in the local plan area is the city’s responsibility and in sparsely populated areas, the road maintenance association’s responsibility. It is the building owner’s or holder’s responsibility to acquire a number sign and install it on the building’s wall or in another visible location.
Rescue operations
Safety authorities also use address details to locate an emergency location. In support of the address system, the Emergency Response Centre advises to clarify the building’s or locations coordinates in accordance with WGS84 system in case of emergencies. Alternatively, emergency calls are instructed to be made through the 112 application in which case the phone’s coordinates are directly transmitted for the support of rescue operations.
Contact Info
vs. kaupunginarkkitehti
044 4294 370
Tekniset palvelut
044 4294 247
Tekniset palvelut