Management of private road issues
The new Private Roads Act entered into force on 1st January 2019

Private roads’ advice and guidance project April-August 2022
Road maintenance association knowledge for private roads! A project has been initiated in the City of Ylivieska in 2022, which aims to improve advice and guidance related to private roads. There is a particular desire to increase interest in establishing road maintenance associations. As a result of the new Private Roads Act, which entered into force in 2019, the significance of road maintenance associations in private road matters has been emphasised.
We have compiled a small guidebook for private roads’ shareholders, road managers and other contact persons, which aims to provide clearer information about road maintenance associations, their establishment, administration and grants to be issued to road maintenance associations. You can access the guide here
Tiekuntatietoutta yksityisteille -yleisötilaisuus 29.8.2022.
Esitysmateriaali luettavissa tästä.
Tallenteen pääset katsomaan tästä (
Private Roads Act
The right of way, maintenance and use of private roads as well as their related procedures have been regulated in the Private Roads Act. Private Roads Act 560/2018
Types of private roads
Private roads are divided into three groups: delivery roads, agreement roads and properties’ own roads.
In principle, delivery roads are only used by road shareholders.
On agreement roads, the users and maintainers are usually contractual partners.
Own roads are only in private use.
Forest roads are referred to in the Private Roads Act, in principle, as private roads intended for forestry-related transports.
Private roads are serviced and maintained by road maintenance associations and road shareholders.
The state and local authority have no regulatory obligation to participate in the maintenance of private roads.
83 § Government aid
84 § Local authority aid
The local authority shall decide on the amount of aid to be granted for the road maintenance of private roads, the conditions of the aid and the control of use. The prerequisite for aid to be granted for road maintenance is that a road maintenance association has been established for the management of road-related issues and that the details concerning the road maintenance association and private road, in the private road register and road and street network database, are up-to-date as set out in Section 50.
The local authority’s aid is not regulatory, but instead, it is based on political local authority decisions.
Winter maintenance of private roads in Ylivieska
A private road is ploughed by the city when the length of the road is at least 50 m to the residential building from the edge of a public or private road when measured from the front door.
If you require snow clearing under health-related grounds, you can apply for the service by filling in the application form. Submit the form to the technical service centre as an email attachment or a printed copy.
Contact information
kuntatekniikan päällikkö
044 4294 231
Tekniset palvelut
Email is
Agreement roads in Ylivieska
Roads with monetary funding
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