Street maintenance ensures their usability and cleanliness at all times of the year and day

Snow Plowing
Here you can leave a feedback about snow plowing
Street maintenance
Street maintenance covers e.g. ploughing, anti-slippery control, removal of sanding sand and mowing of street edges.
The whole also includes street paving works, construction and maintenance of rainwater lines, and care and maintenance of street lighting and traffic signs.
The use of streets and public areas for purposes other than those indicated in the plan is
subject to permission. The permit is applied for electronically from the municipal engineering services of the city of Ylivieska
through the transaction service at
you must register as a user for the service. Registration and inquiries
through the service are free for the applicant. About processing the application and making a decision
the municipality collects a municipality-specific license fee according to its tax rates.
Instructions for use can be found on Lupapiste homepage.
Feedback number
You can report snow plowing, slip prevention,
about the condition of roads, sewerage blockages, street light defects, the condition of outdoor sports facilities and
defective playground equipment.
Roaduser’s line
Questions regarding the construction and maintenance of public roads directly to the ELY center. The road user line number is
0200 2100.
The condition of the road and traffic problems are also reported to the road user line. The link takes you to the location information window for public roads.
Feedback Numbers
P. 044 529 4118
Snowplowing. 0404860574
mon-fri 9.00-15.00
044 4294 517
Tekniset palvelut
Roadusers line 24h
P. 0200 2100
Feedback about the condition of public roads and traffic problems.