To strengthen the collaboration between the City of Ylivieska and organisations, we have concluded an association collaboration document.
Let’s strengthen collaboration!
Associations and the local authority have a common objective: support the well-being of municipal citizens and also produce preventative activities for municipal citizens

Welfare Director
Joose Kemppainen 044 4294423
Organizaion liaison person
Muistio järjestötapaamisesta 28.4.2022
Association operations are voluntary and the purpose of association operations is to implement the task that has been determined for the association in its rules. In this context, associations refer to all associations operating in Ylivieska, associations participating in service production and associations providing leisure and other activities.
The city supports the associations’ operations in many ways:
- grants
- use of city premises
- partnership and collaboration agreements
- project operations
- archiving
- events
- communications
The city organises an open organisation meeting for all associations at least two times per year, which include various topical themes. Sports services, cultural services and youth services also, occasionally, organise their own separate meetings. The city informs about the meetings on its website, with email invitations, on social media channels and in newsletters.
With the help of summer job vouchers, the City of Ylivieska supports the employment of local 15-17-year-old young people.
The summer job voucher has a value of 370 euros and in 2022, 100 vouchers were distributed.
The City of Ylivieska pays compensation retrospectively to a company or third sector operator based in Ylivieska for employing a young person.
For the use of the third sector
Associations domiciled in Ylivieska can apply for grants from the city. These include, for example, cultural and art associations, sports clubs, youth organisations, pensioner and senior organisation, child and family work, national health and multidisciplinary organisations, resident and village associations, private individuals and working groups, and non-profit cooperatives.
The city’s various bodies and office holders annually grant a large number of different voluntary grants to different communities. In the autumn of 2018, investigative work about grant methods and operating models was initiated, and as a result, the city government decided (KH 14/1/2019 §10) to approve the new general principles for grants.
The main reforms included, for example, that all grants are applied for at the same time and using the same application form. One operator may only be awarded one grant and only from one city administration. The prerequisite would be that the operations of the associations to be awarded grants would support the implementation of the city’s strategy.
If an association is unable to submit the required attachments by the end of the application period, the delivery schedule of the attachments must be indicated either by email or in the “Notes” section of the application form. However, applying for a grant must be done by the last date of the application period. Any grant shall be issued on a provisional basis until the mandatory attachments of the application have been delivered.
City of Ylivieska’s grant principles
Grants awarded by the City of Ylivieska and their contact persons:
General grant:
Only associations registered as youth organisations can apply for a general grant
Attach the following documents:
– annual report for the previous year – financial statements for the previous year – operating plan for 2022
– budget for 2022
– association rules, if the association is a new applicant Target grants: both youth organisations and open youth operating groups. Grant criteria: travel and training participant list, club activities realised club sessions. Attach expenses receipts for both. Target grants can be applied for all year round.
Necessary additional information: In Section 8 of the application. Under notes, the percentage of under 29-year-old members must be indicated.
Contact person: Youth Director, Elisa Männistö, tel. 044 4294 355.
General grant:
In 2022, the operating grants are processed with the details of the most recent valid financial statements. Attach the following attachments to the sports services’ operating grant:
– application form
– budget for 2022
– operating plan for 2022
– operating information form
– employee notice
– association’s most recent confirmed annual report and financial statements
Target grant:
(Applied for at the end of the target year by December 31)
– athlete grant: reliable statement of achievements (e.g. score sheet)
– training grant: copies of course payments and programme
– map grant: expense receipts
– value competitions’ organisation support: statement of organisation expenses, effectiveness and visibility
Contact person: Sports Manager, Susanna Koponen, tel. 044 4294 357.
General grant: Annual report for the previous year, Financial statements for the previous year, Operating plan for the operating year as well as a financial assessment. Association rules, if the association is a new applicant.
Facility grant: Cultural services’ facility grant for events at Akustiikka or Puuhkala
Contact person: Res. Cultural Director, Terhi Saarimaa, tel. 044 4294 354.
General grant:
operating/event plan budget/financial plan association’s most recent confirmed annual report and financial statements Contact person: Financial Manager, Joonas Yliluoma, tel. 044 4294 211
Village associations are also required to attach a Finnish Patent and Registration Office’s register extract. Contact person: Well-Being Director, Joose Kemppainen, tel. 044 4294 423
The finances and administration of the applicant must be arranged in accordance with prevailing legislation. Administration must also be organised in the manner required by the quality and scope of operations. In addition to the control carried out by the grant issuer, the city’s internal auditor has the right to inspect the administration and accounts of the grant recipient. The applicant must carry out the arrangements that the grant issuer and internal auditor consider necessary.
The city may provide premises in its possession to be used for citizen operations carried out by associations, either free of charge or for reasonable compensation. The service areas’ premises rates have separately defined categories, for example, for free or discounted rent. In addition, some meeting facilities can be used free of charge, for example, the city hall’s conference rooms.
Youth organisations, schools and daycare centres shall not be subject to a use charge for the use of youth service premises. More information
The meeting room rent of association and organisation councils for the disabled and elderly shall be paid by the council for the disabled and elderly.
Payment classes have been separately defined for the premises of sports and cultural services. Spatial landlords are placed in different payment client according to their operations.
Sports services:
Payment class I (-50%)
The sports club prices apply to sports clubs and associations (ry) registered in Ylivieska. Sports clubs from outside Ylivieska shall be subject to use charges in accordance with other groups.
The sports clubs’ payment class also includes:
- Unofficial leisure communities based in Ylivieska which do not carry out commercial operations and promote the well-being, exercise and health of children/adolescents (under 18-year-olds) in Ylivieska
- sports clubs in the form of limited liability companies if their operations are non-profitable. A non-profit status is verified and the entitlement to a lower payment class is issued with an office holder decision
- belonging to the payment class is subject to collecting user statistics in accordance with Ylivieska’s Sports Services’ instructions
Payment class II (-30%)
- Groups based in Ylivieska that promote health and well-being, fee-based
- the city’s other subdivisions
Payment class III
- Companies
- Clubs, associations from outside Ylivieska
Cultural services’ payment classes
Payment class I
- Base price (including VAT 24%)
Payment class II
- Associations, organisations, performers and performer groups based in Ylivieska (including VAT 24%)
Payment class III
- The city’s subdivisions (VAT 0%)
The rents for Puuhkala museum’s premises have one payment class
Village associations may use the premises free of charge.
USE OF FORMER SCHOOL PREMISES/VILLAGE HOUSES (Sorvisto, Kantokylä, Pylväs and Löytty)
Village associations use the premises and ensure their tidiness and the organisation of events. Village associations hire the premises for celebrations and other events. The city is responsible for the user costs of former schools.
You can view premises available to hire on the Timmi website: ….COMING SOON!.
- you can easily find city premises that are available to hire according to the number of participants
- you can view the up-to-date booking situation
- you can find comprehensive details and photos of the premises
- instructions on booking premises can be found in the information below the premises calendar.
The technical service centre issues event permits, i.e. land use permits to the event areas managed by the city.
You can add your event to the City of Ylivieska’s event calendar free of charge.
‘Ryskypäivät’ agricultural fair – ‘Yhdessä’ festival – Motor trade’s super weekend – ‘Wiljanpäivät’ farm fair – Wanahat wehkeet kylätiellä – ‘Tanssifestivo’ dance festival – Theatre festival – Movie festival – ‘Maljaravit’ harness racing – Markets – Local heritage weekend – Winter festival for the disabled – Huhmari family festival – Sun Pampas city festival.
Associations and organisations participate in the events and, e.g., present their operations, organise activities, operate as security guards, control traffic, hire equipment, run a café and/or sell snacks, etc. Organising the events is also important for the associations’ and organisations’ fund-raising and member acquisitions.
The selling hours at the market are weekdays at 7 am – 2 pm. The Wednesday summer market is held between 1 pm – 4 pm between June and September. The sales stands are free of charge. The market square has a sage where music can be performed, poems can be read, etc. Electricity supply available. The sales tables can be found in the storage room of the stage.
- The City of Ylivieska communicates to the associations via the website and the associations’ and organisations’ own websites
- Feedback can also be submitted via the city’s website.
- The City of Ylivieska’s event calendar is accessible to all Ylivieska residents and you can add an event to the calendar for free.
- Ylivieska’s sports and cultural services also provide information in their own newsletter and subscribing to it is free.
- The leisure activities of youth services and organisations are comprehensively available in the hobby guide coordinated by Youth Services:
- The city cam be found on many social media channels: Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat. Ylivieska’s associations also have their own Facebook page
Grant recipients are required to inform in their information, marketing, annual report or other method that the applicant has received a grant from the City of Ylivieska. City instructions concerning communications.
The City of Ylivieska’s administrations can conclude fixed-term cooperation and partnership agreements with registered associations. Such an agreement may come into question, for example, if an association’s operations can be used to diversify the service production of the well-being sector. A cooperation agreement is also possible, for example, in connection with activities related to association-based assistance operations or peer support when the association has received a grant from STEA (Funding Centre for Social Welfare and Health Organisations). At the moment, cooperation agreements have been concluded with, e.g., Early childhood education and MLL.
The City of Ylivieska may ask associations to become partners in various projects. The city can also operate as a partner in projects managed by associations. The forms of cooperation are always agreed on a project-specific basis. It is worth contacting the city at the beginning of the project planning stage.
More information Well-Being Director, Joose Kemppainen, tel. 044 4294 234
Well-being report
The implementation and assessment of the well-being report’s objectives are discussed with the organisations at the organisation meetings.
You can disclose your association’s archive to the City of Ylivieska’s local archive.
Associations have the opportunity to disclose their archives to the City of Ylivieska’s local archive. The City of Ylivieska’s Cultural Services are responsible for organising and storing the materials. Therefore, the association is not subject to any charges for the disclosure.
Associations do not fall within the scope referred to in the Archives Act, so the National Archive’s retention time provisions do not apply to associations. However, it is very important to be able to store the local associations’ archive materials and make them available in such a way that they serve the needs of public and local research, teaching, leisure activities and practical needs. When arranging archives, provided to the City of Ylivieska’s local region archive, into materials, the same retention periods are observed as for the municipality’s own documents. Currently, the archives of approximately 80 ceased and 30 operating associations, co-ops, foundations or similar, have been disclosed to the local region archive. In addition to them, there are archives of families, houses and private individuals. All in all, the local region archive consists of approximately 230 different archive entities. The details of the materials have been exported to the national local history archives’ Arvi database
In addition to the local region archive, the National archive and several private central archives accept the archives of associations. The archives of associations based in Ylivieska have been disclosed to them before the local region archive was established, so it is first worth checking old disclosures for your own association.
When planning to disclose the archive of your association, please contact the City of Ylivieska’s archive secretary who will guide you through the steps related to disclosing the archive and prepare the disclosure agreement.
We will jointly clarify the retention periods of the materials and agree on completing the pre-screening of the material, i.e. removing any unnecessary and temporarily retained materials before the disclosure. At the same time, we can clarify whether the material may have already been disclosed to other archives. With the continuation of the association’s operations, instructions shall be provided on the archiving and screening of new materials.
In case of materials that consist of few documents, all the documents can be accepted. In this case, screening can be carried out in connection with arranging. Any materials that are to be left out of the archive shall be disposed of or returned to the association in accordance with the agreement terms.
Associations’ documents often remain in the possession of previous operators. Before the disclosure, it is important to collect the association’s old materials from persons who were involved in operations at different times. It is recommended that the association makes a decision on disclosure at its administrative meeting.
Further information about the local history archive can be found on Ylivieska’s city archive page
The organisation cooperation document has been processed and approved on April 28, 2022.