Our city has a diverse range of leisure activities!

Quick links to hobbies and advice
Sports advice
Sports advice for people of all ages. Find yourself a new hobby. Sports advice serves customers on Wednesdays at 8 am – 4 pm, you can book a session in advance tel. 044 4294 472 or in the Timmi booking calendar Sports advice is provided by Sports Instructor Hannu Hietanen. Sports advice is free of charge!
- Add your event to Ylivieska’s event calendar. You can use the following link to notify about your event Notify event
- Associations that operate in our city maintain their details on the regional lahella.fi server. After the reform of the website, the city no longer maintains lists of the different clubs and associations, but instead, retrieves the information directly from the lahella.fi service. Find out more about our organisations
Dear organisation representative. Are your details missing from this list? Update your details directly in the lähellä.fi service. The service is entirely free.
Ylivieska has versatile opportunities for hobbies!
Our city has an active and vibrant field of organizations and associations. The organizations offer hobby opportunities as well as information, services and peer support.
Please contact the organisation’s contact person for further information
hyvinvointikoordinaattori, maahanmuuttoasiat
040 1882 459
Did you know?
Clubs, associations and communities from Ylivieska can send photos of events to the Kalajokilaakso newspaper together with a brief description of the background of the event. The editorial staff will use them to produce articles for the newspaper. Please provide the names of the people visible in the photographs.
Photos and texts can be sent to toimitus@kalajokilaakso.fi
Individual photos can also be sent to the following address