Activities in accordance with the Act on Cultural Activities in Local Government (166/2019) and the cultural award annually presented by the City of Ylivieska.

Activities implementing the Act on Cultural Activities
The local authority’s duty is to promote the equal availability and diverse use of culture and art. Objective to create prerequisites for professional art work and activities as well as promote cultural and artistic hobbies and their relevant public activities.
Objective-based cultural education work is an important form of cooperation between school systems and cultural services. Maintaining cultural heritage and activities that support local identity are a common factor between cultural and museum services in Ylivieska.
Culture is known to promote well-being and health, inclusion and the sense of community. Culture also does its part in enlightening the regional vitality, and it can be used as an international cooperation link.
City of Ylivieska’s cultural prize
A cultural prize has been issued since 1975. The residents have the opportunity to elect a winner of the City of Ylivieska’s cultural prize for the current year. The well-being committee shall decide on the recipient of the cultural prize. The cultural prize is awarded to a private individual or group that has completed significant and meritorious cultural work in Ylivieska. Different forms of traditions and types of art together with their contents are within the scope of the cultural prize.
Until 2021, the recipient of the prize was decided by the culture and library committee.
Rules for awarding a cultural prize
1 § The name of the award is the City of Ylivieska’s cultural prize
2 § The cultural prize is annually awarded by the City of Ylivieska’s well-being committee
3 § Traditions and types of art together with their contents are within the scope of the cultural prize
4 § The cultural prize is awarded to a private individual or group that has completed significant and meritorious cultural work in Ylivieska
5 § The amount of the cultural prize is annually decided by the well-being committee
6 § The rules of the cultural prize can only be changed with a separate decision from the well-being committee.
The rules have been approved at the well-being committee’s meeting on December 8, 1987 and they have been updated at the well-being committee’s meeting on October 12, 2021, to apply to the well-being committee instead of the culture and library committee.
Please click below to see a list of previous winners of the Cultural prize.
Cultural organisations from Ylivieska
Organisation | Contact person | Contact person |
Chorus Vallis -kamarikuoro ry | pj. Mari Saari-Somero 044 770 7714 | siht. Elina Sydänmetsä |
Jääkärisoittokunta | Hannu Puomio 044 342 2555 | |
Kulttuurikeskuksen Kannatusyhdistys ry | pj. Kaisa Haapakoski 050 305 4622 | siht. Katriina Leppänen 044 429 4354 |
Niemelän Kylänäyttelijät ry | pj. Miika Kangaskorte | |
Pietari Päivärinta-seura ry | pj. Arja Nevanperä 044 042 3677 | siht. Tarja Kangasluoma |
Päivärinnan Lapsikuoron Kannatusyhdistys ry | pj. Tiina Kärkinen 050 544 0088 | siht. Ulla Hautamäki 044 429 4331 |
Raudaskylän Sekakuoro ry | pj. Kaarina Autio 044 235 7531 | siht. Hilkka Isokoski 044 273 4502 |
Vieska Folk ry | pj. Hannu Simi 044 043 0387 | siht. Arja Pelkonen 044 569 6314 |
Viihdekuoro Leijat ry | pj. Tytti Sydänmetsä 044 3158 570 | |
Yhteisestä Ovesta ry | pj. Heikki Hemmilä | siht. Anne Isokoski 044 987 2895 |
Ylivieskan alueen Kuvantekijät ry | pj. Toivo Pigg 044 250 6088 | siht. Helena Pigg 044 262 4350 |
Ylivieskan Kameraseura ry | pj. Anssi Hietaharju 044 066 1062 | siht. Teemu Isoniemi 040 026 9300 |
Ylivieskan Karaokekerho ry | pj. Jouko Hannula 040 721 0461 | siht. Lea Nilsén 050 465 0841 |
Ylivieskan Kotiseutuyhdistys ry | pj. Kaisa Savela | siht. Esa Koivisto 040 847 5258 |
Ylivieskan Mieskuoro ry | pj. Mauno Jussila 08 480 531 | siht. Tapani Vierimaa 044 336 3657 |
Ylivieskan Nuorisoseura ry | pj. Ville Savela 044 702 1525 | siht. Hannu Puomio 044 342 2555 |
Ylivieskan Seudun Kanteleyhdistys ry | pj. Noora Hemmilä 044 262 4220 | siht. Virpi Hautala |
Ylivieskan Soittajat ry | pj. Hannu Puomio 044 342 2555 | siht. Tiina Raudaskoski |
Ylivieskan Teatteriyhdistys ry (YTY) | pj. Rita Kovás 044 313 8530 | siht. Maija Sipilä 045 674 7307 |
Quattro di Bothnia -puhallinorkesteri | Hannu Puomio 044 342 2555 |