Mobile library Tarinatoukka

Mobile Library Tarinatoukka brings library services to schools and daycare centres as well as outside the urban area with evening routes

Mobile Library Tarinatoukka schedules

Schedule 1/22 valid 8/8/2022 – 2/6/2023.

Schedules are available from the mobile library and the main library.
Open Mobile Library Tarinatoukka’s route map by clicking the image (the schedule’s 1/22 details shall be updated to the route map during week 32).


12.45–13.05 Kipinä
13.15–13.30 Korte
13.35–13.50 Pielusperä
13.55–14.10 Mäntyniementie
14.35–14.50 Pyykangas
14.55–15.10 Sikabaari
15.30–15.45 Villamiina*1 / Juolanperä*2
15.50–16.00 Anttila
16.15–16.30 Jylhänperä
16.35–16.50 Ängeslevä
17.10–17.25 Pinola
17.30–17.45 Kantola
17.50–18.05 Aholantie
18.10–18.25 Leväneva
18.30–18.45 Koivukangas
18.50–19.05 Haapalantie
19.10–19.25 Vähäkangas, Oksala
19.30–19.45 Vähäkangas, koulu

*1 odd week
*2 even week
Kirjastoauto Tarinatoukan reittikartta

8.30–10.00 Katajan koulu
10.10–11.10 Niemelän koulu
11.30–12.30 Raudaskosken koulu
12.35–12.50 Pikkutassu pk
13.30–14.00 Simonpuisto pk
14.10–14.20 Ojansuu
14.30–15.00 Hakalahti pk


13.20–13.40 Kotikartano 3
13.50–14.10 Taikaniitty
14.20–14.40 Ipanatupa*1 / Helmiina pk*2
15.15–15.30 Somero
15.35–15.50 Perkkiöntie
15.55–16.10 Tynnyrineva
16.50–17.05 Leppinen
17.10–17.25 Löytty
17.30–17.45 Kariperä
17.50–18.05 Marjapuhto
18.10–18.20 Lepikontie
18.25–18.40 Vuolletie
18.45–19.00 Matalantie
19.10–19.25 Huhjantie
19.30–19.45 Latvalantie

*1 odd week
*2 even week

8.30– 9.20 Joukahainen pk
9.30–10.30 Kiviojan koulu
10.35–11.25 Rahkolan koulu
11.30–12.30 Rannan koulu
14.05–14.20 Tuomelan koulu*1
14.30–14.45 Hautamäki*1
14.50–15.05 Sukkaneva*1

*1 odd week

8.30– 9.15 Ojakylän koulu
9.25–10.45 Taanilan koulu*1
9.25– 9.40 Koskipuhto, Tasangontie*2
9.50–10.05 Niemenranta*2
10.10–10.25 Mäntykankaantie*2
10.45–11.00 Ryhmis Helmiportti*2
11.05–11.50 Vähäkankaan koulu
12.20–12.40 Villiina pk
12.45–13.05 Huvikumpu pk
13.10–13.30 Ryhmis Ikiliikkujat*1 / Marjatupa pk*2
13.35–13.50 Murunen pk*1

*1 odd week
*2 even week

Online library 24/7

Joki-kirjastojen logo

eLibrary 24/7

Pohjoisen eKirjaston logo.

Mobile Library contacts

Pauli Ylikoski
Mobilelibrary: 044-4294513
(myös WhatsApp)

Janne Koski, director of the library, is responsible for the operation of the library car, tel. 044-4294272.

The library car does not operate:

  • 24.–28.10.2022 (syysloma)
  • 22.12.2022–6.1.2023 (joululoma)
  • 6.–10.3.2023 (talviloma)
  • 7.4.–10.4.2023 (pääsiäinen)
  • 1.5.2023 (vappu)
  • 18.5.2023 (helatorstai)

The practices of the library car

This how you find the material you want, borrow and return it

Loan period for all material in the library car 28 days. Interlibrary loans from other libraries are delivered through the main library. Material borrowed from the car can be returned to the main library and vice versa. With the library car loan card, you can also borrow from the main library and other Joki libraries. The library card is personal.

The card should not be given to anyone outside the family. In the loan receipt, you can see your loan, due date and accumulated payments. The lending system also enables information retrieval in the car.

More detailed information about the library’s services, loan periods and fees charged in the library.

Kirjastoauto Tarinatoukka, piirroshahmot ympärillä.
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