Something for everyone
The library flexibly adapts to customer needs.

User training and information search studies
The library always provides user training upon request, both personally and for various groups. You can contact the library’s staff about your wishes and times concerning training.
- Children’s and adolescents’ groups: contact person Elli Niinimäki, tel. 044-4294208
- Secondary education student groups and adult groups: contact person Marita Hietasaari, tel. 044-4294454
Book recommendations
Book recommendations at the library or school (contact person Elli Niinimäki, tel. 044-4294208). Book recommendations for adults either at the library or, e.g., premises of the relevant group (contact person, Marita Hietasaari, tel. 044-4294454)
Story hours
Storytelling sessions for children are held at the library on Tuesdays at 6.15 pm – 7.00 pm, during the winter, from September to April.
All story-aged children can participate in the storytelling sessions. Welcome to listen to stories, play and do handicrafts!

Home service
If you cannot visit the library due to old age, illness, physical disability or visual impairment, home service will bring the library home. Tarja Kangasluoma is responsible for the home service, tel. 044-4294276.
Other operations
- Book club (instructor Marita Hietasaari, tel. 044-4294454)
- Exhibitions. If you wish to organise an exhibition at the library, please contact Janne Koski, tel. 044-4294272 (loans 044-4294271)
- Side events such as literature evenings and concerts.
Assignment collections
- Ylivieska Health Centre
- Kotikartano
Online Library 24/7
Contact us
044 4294 271
If the person you’re looking for isn’t there, you can call the quote number or send an email. Emails
Computers and other machines
Library in chapters
- Library items 110,433 pcs
- Total loans 291 059
- Borrowers 5 843
- Physical visits 101 356
- Loans/resident 19.13
- Established in 1860
- Building 1971, designer Saara Juola