Free health check-up and work coordinator services

Free health check-ups for the unemployed
The city provides job seekers the opportunity to have a free health check-up. The health check-up is free of charge, but shall be subject to a fee in accordance with Kallio’s price list for any uncancelled appointments.
During the check-up, your current health and risk factors, which, if left untreated, could lead to illnesses, will be assessed. If necessary, you will be referred to any required service systems. The aim is to promote health and strengthen healthy lifestyle habits.
The unemployed are referred to health check-ups by the TE Office, the city’s employment services or by the city’s other employment operators.
Work ability coordinator
Customers are referred to a work ability coordinator by health care, social care, the TE Office, TYPI, the city’s employment services, projects, various operators, the customers’ relatives or by the customers themselves. A work ability coordinator is an expert who aims to assess the customer’s overall situation in terms of work and operating abilities as well as the possibilities/importance of measures related to work ability, and who assists in e.g. critical transition stages when work abilities are at risk as a result of health or social reasons.
Work ability coordinator
Merja Rintamäki
puh. 040 6355 319