Obligation employment

Statutory service for over 57-year-old job seekers

Obligation employment is a statutory service, which obligates the city under certain conditions to offer work to unemployed job seekers aged over 57, whose unemployment allowance will run out before the age of 61.

Obligation employment must be full-time work which meets the employment condition and its duration is no more than 26 weeks. The previous employment condition accumulation is considered in the duration of obligation employment because it reduces the duration of obligation employment. The employment cannot start until the maximum unemployment benefit period has been reached.

The TE Office shall enquire from people who have the right to obligation employment if they wish to exercise their rights. If the person wishes to exercise their rights, the TE Office shall send an employment notice to the city’s employment services. An employee from the employment services shall contact the person to be employed by phone and invite them to an interview.


Mäkihonka Mervi
044 4294 205
Työllisyyden kuntakokelu

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